I'm a Wife, a Mom and a Grandma.I teach kids,and some adults, these days, to play cello and I play in our local Symphony Orchestra. I've taught for 30 years and my studio nickname was Mamacello. Now, with the birth of my two beautiful grandchildren I feel I've graduated to Grammacello. I do some writing and make some visual art as well, but not as much as I would like; these are busy teaching years still.
I am married to a quintessentially absent-minded professor of Sociology. It's a second marriage for us both ,and we will have been together 20 years Labour Day, 2007! We have 4 kids, all out making their way in the world. (We each brought a girl and a boy into the stepfamily.) My firstborn son died at age 18 in 1992. Schizophrenia is the ugliest word in the English language.
Our "family" now consists of three, over-photographed, spoiled rotten, absolutely adored dogs, and two quiet, pretty cats. In March 2005 we bought a home at the edge of a Great Lake, so are now living right where land and water meet: I feel as if I've come home.
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