Friday, February 03, 2006
Letters, Drugs
Ok, I can see how easy it is to let this go for several days-shame on me for feeling irritated when I go looking for up-dates on other blogs and wonder why it's taking so long.

I wrote a letter to my four year old grandson today. My daughter says that he answers the questions I "ask" in these letters. such as "How are you", or, "Is it raining where you live?" as she reads the letter out loud to him. This time I made sure to ask more interesting, four-ish questions.
He LOVES to get mail addressed especially to him. Todays topics were the dogs and why one of them hates the camera- complete with four pics, that I am going to try to post. Also Grandma's orchestra, because we have a concert this week-end. I put in a brochure, so he could see a picture.

It is hard to keep coming up with age appropriate, different things to say. Does anyone have any ideas?

My doctor and I are messing around with my anti-depressants- I am now on 75 mg of Effexor and have just cut the Prozac that I have been on for, count 'em, twelve years, from 40 to 20 mg.
It is a bit scary, especially reading about bad experiences that other people have had, but the Prozac had definitely stopped being very effective and toughing it out was not cutting it. I seem to have had a REALLY positive Effexor response so far, fingers crossed. I think she was wise to overlap the two drugs, rather than stopping the one before starting the other. Does anyone have any experience with that sort of thing? I am startlingly less depressed- it feels remarkably good to not feel bad.

Still NO snow, and here it is February 3rd! Maybe there really won't be any snow at all this year. You have to be a Canuck, (even a Southern Ontario one), to know how amazing this is!
I love it- it is like this huge reprieve. Even if it were to snow like crazy for the next 6 weeks, we still have missed about twelve weeks of it. Yahoo!


Blogger ninjapoodles said...

YES, smart doctor! Prozac, with the 9-day half-life, helps immensely with transitions to/from Effexor with its 3-second halflife. I had a little trouble getting onto it, but I was simultaneously coming off of Zoloft.

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