Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Cooking, and puppy pics

I don't really like to cook. In my early days as a hippy-ish Mama we were vegetarian, and mostly whole food types.My kids didn't much like the non dairy stuff so we ate a lot of eggs and dairy. Then I had Matt, split up with the father of my three kids and was on my own for over six years. As my older kids became teenagers, we started down the fast and slippery slope back into eating meat. I was busy and they were tired of standing out in the crowd. Then John and I got together and things got REALLY complicated- not just in the kitchen, of course....
Anyway, at that point I was teaching about 40 students, across four dinner hours, John and his Jennifer, "our" #2 daughter, my step-daughter, decided that they REALLY liked the vestiges of vegetarian cooking that still went on and both decided to not eat meatat all. Jennifer #1 (mine) was eating meat again by then- but, interestingly,
is now raising her kids exactly as she was raised as a younger kid- all natural, NO meat, healthy hippy-ish lifestlye-interesting, eh?Anyway, we also had Chris and Matt, little boys at the time who both loathed all the vegetarian dishes- they fought a fair bit but were very united on this point- THEY only wanted meat and potatoes type stuff. Only Shawn and I ate everything. Since I was usually teaching at dinnertime anyway, and no matter what I made, SOMEONE said "YUCK!"So I gave up cooking, gradually-not on purpose exactly-but by the time all the kids were gone I had stopped cooking, except for a turkey twice a year or so, in favour of buying ready made things amd microwaving them- a feat that John performed.
Ok, here we are, settled into a new life and a new place, just the two of us- John still vegetarian by the way, except for BEEF(????) go figure. I am pretty sick of our diet which is bread and cheese as often as not.
Then, along comes "Supperworks".
What an excellent idea!! I still teach across a lot of dinnertimes, but how easy is this system?

Lookee: supperworks!!

Thaw it, assemble it, cook it and it is an excellent home cooked yummy entree, with all the planning, shopping and even chopping and sauce making already done. I am in heaven! You can go there and assemble it yourself, bring it home and freeze it OR, like I did, have THEM do even this part and deliver, to the door, the already assembled and frozen meals. We haven't eaten this well in....forever and I feel virtuous and domestic, although I probably should feel lazy and guilty, but, maybe, I will gradually re-acquire my cooking genes, and actually get back to real cooking. But,actually, why? We can afford it- the joys of all 4 kids finished with undergrad work as of last year- and I would rather do other stuff. Plus, I am still teaching a LOT so there is still the dinner hour thing.
Anyway, the Supperworks idea is such a screaming success- the owners are going to franchise it and they just won a $50,000 award for innovative new business ideas
that a lot of people must agree with me. And it all started right here in my town!
Tonight's menu: curried chicken with pinapple rice, or the leftover Italian bean and pasta soup.
Topic of conversation: The new puppy that I have reserved with a deposit and that John doesn't want because he doesn't like change of any sort, or small dogs. Wish me luck.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can just send that puppy my way...anytime.

Blogger Ellen Landrum said...

my husband threatened to trade the baby for your puppy. it's SO cute. and btw, if the supperworks place existed near me, i would TOTALLY be taking advantage of it. no guilt, eh? you do great work AND manage healthy meals. few folks can say the same.

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