Thursday, June 01, 2006
Friday is new puppy day!
Well, I feel nervous and expectant and excited. "Chiwi",pronounced "Chee-wee"-our new baby chihuahua, who was named by the supposedly reluctant husband, within 1/2 hour of me gingerly bringing up the whole puppy idea-LOL-, will come home Friday. He will be nearly 8 weeks old. Part of me is apprehensive since our dogs at present are so laid back -if you sleep in till 11:30, so do they- if you want to take a nap for three hours, they are on. It is a bit like when I had my third kid 8 years after the second one- what I dreaded, was the coming loss of sleep. Ah well, I need to toughen up, I guess- in cello term time my schedule is all over the map- early, late, early and late, random days off, extra huge days on- I always cannot wait for the summer weeks off but at the same time I know I do badly with the lack of structure. Psychologically, it is not the best situation for me. Ideally, I should put the puppy (and myself) on a strict schedule. We will see.
And, I have never house broken a teeny tiny one before. Cats train themselves- we have had lots of baby kitties- but our dogs were 5 months or so(Frankie), and adult of unknown age(Daisy) when we got them. They were both already perfectly house-broken.
I have not lived to regret these two dogs though- I can't imagine life without them now.I worry too much.
In other news, Matt went back to Dalhousie today to start his summer job, and he and Rachel, his GF of 5 years will start grad school in September. They called and are moved into their apartment. My baby!! It really really really goes SO FAST.
Shoulder hurting so I will save the Great Cuban Rabies Scare for next post.

And WOW my lovely Belinda Ninja soaps arrived. What a treat!They will make great presents and using one is like a present to myself, every time I wash my hands. Thank you, thank you, poodle lady!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love new puppies! Make sure you post photos!

Some puppies are easy to train - others not so much. I wish you the former!

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