Saturday, June 24, 2006
Puppy, other stuff
Well, this puppy is potty trained to the extent that he understands and doesn't pee or poo on the beds or couches, in his crate- not ever, from the beginning, and in his playpen, which is his safe/contained place on the middle level of the house. He loves to race around in the tall grass;
follows the big dogs on their "East Walk"- (along the path by the lake to the east, which has lake on one side and the back side of two blocks of town houses on the other- i.e., safe from traffic)-This is a loooooong walk for him- sometimes I carry him on the way back. Last night he did his business after watching Daisy do hers, which is the whole point of this 20 minute, twice or three times daily walk.
INSISTS on eating big dog food-1/2 and 1/2 tinned meat with kibble-with the big dogs-and has already learned the sound of a fork in a dog food tin, even from upstairs in his crate, and he
sits, lies down or freezes when we say, "Chiwee, SIT!" This is a big step- we can pick him up to bring him in from the puppy-proofed yard without chasing him all over it- did I mention he is FAST???

Ok, enough with the proud Mama bit. Um, well, one more-When he's playing nearby me, he races over, climbs up my body and kisses me all over my face every two minutes or so and then hurls himself back to play.It is SO sweet!

Soon (in 2 days)it'll be my birthday. Last year we had just moved and John was away at some work thing for a couple of days. I didn't speak to a living soul that day- even my kids forgot to call. It ranked right down there with the suckiest birthdays of all time. So this year, instead of requiring mind reading from all my nearest and dearest I have "asked for what I need"-(therapy, anyone?)

John is staying home that day,

my step-kids (bio kids are living far away)will be here so we can all go out to dinner, and

my future d-in-law ( step d-in-law??)volunteered to bake me a cake! In this family, this is a HUGE HUGE deal- not even from a mix or anything!!REAL cooking!


Blogger Ellen Landrum said...

A most happy belated b-day to Grammacello!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember making that cake! I will make sure that you never go another year without one!


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